The VM-57 is a vibration level meter
compliant with the requirements of the
Measurement Act and the Japanese Industrial Standards
for Vibration Level Meters (JIS C 1510:1995, JIS C 1517:2014).
The device is primarily designed for measuring ground
vibrations to evaluate vibration pollution.
It can measure vibration levels in the vertical and
horizontal planes and display weighted values based
on human vibration sensitivity characteristics.
The device is equipped to measure vibration level,
vibration acceleration level, time percentile level, equivalent
continuous vibration level, and maximum and minimum
values in three axes.Measurement results are stored in the
device's internal memory or on an SD memory card that can be added.
EC-54S-Extension Cable, 3 m for VM-55/57
Carring Case
Battery, IEC type R6 (8x)