Peristaltic pump for flow 0.7 to 6000 ml/minute
Speed: 10-600rpm, reversible
Dispensing volume:0.1 mL to 9.99L
Speed resolution: 1rpm
Copy number 0 to 9999, 0 means unlimited c cle
Pause time 0 to 9999, 0 means unlimited c cle
Flow rate calibration time: 0.5-30min
External control: Start/stop & cw/ccw control, 0 to 5V, 0 to 10V
4-20mA and 0 to 10Hz speed control
Output interface: Start/Stop, direction output & 0-10 kHz
frequency output, OC gate output
Drive dimen.:285x207x180 (mm)
Power consumption:<140W
IP 31