A Temperature Data Logger is an electronic device capable of storing a number of measurements. It is often powered by a battery, it receives one or more sensor inputs, sampling and saving the data at a predetermined frequency. A data logger provides very accurate temperature data. Once the recording is complete, it can create a detailed data report. The report can be in PDF format with graphs, measurements, time, etc.
What is Temperature Data Logger
A temperature data logger is a portable device that can take consistent recordings of the temperature of an area and can generate data reports.
How does a Temperature DataLogger work?
- The frequency of sampling should be set in advance, in seconds, minutes, or hours. The Data Logger will collect the temperature data over time.
At the end of the process, the data is downloaded to the computer and a graph or table of the temperature is obtained as a function of time.
The resulting graph makes it possible to detect temperature anomalies during the process.
Applications of Temperature Data Logger
In the production processes in pharmaceutical plants, in food plants, C, in the chemical industry, in the field of medicine,
In the automotive and aerospace industries, in the field of storage, mainly in refrigeration, air conditioning of buildings, museums and more.