When you need to choose laboratory balances, you need to decide on the required weighing range and accuracy:
What is Analytical Balance
balance with an accuracy level higher than 0.1 mg.
Analytical balances are very sensitive, it is necessary to place them on a stable surface where there are no vibrations.
-Analytical balances include a very precise inner weight (with a high accuracy X10 of the scales)It can be used to perform automatic calibration.
Additional options: non-contact activation, memories, remote control and remote equivalence reading via mobile phone or tablet,
USB communication to the computer.
What is Moisture Balance
Moisture Balances are measuring the amount of moisture in a substance. This is particularly helpful in food processing labs as the amount of moisture can be an indicator of freshness and quality for some foods.
- Moisture Balances should be placed away from an air conditioner or window or any air-emitting device such as a vacuum pump.
What is Microbalance
A microbalance can make accurate measurements of the weight of very small objects, with a resolution in the order of a millionth of a gram.The instrument is considered to be the highest precision. It is used in industry and research.Range from 2 kg to 60 kg.Accuracy of single grams or of 0.1 grams.
What is Precision Balance
The precision balance scale is a scale for daily laboratory use.Precision balances are available in a wide range of capacities, from several hundred grams up to kilograms.Are used to weigh quantities to a very precise number, usually up to one milligram
MRC offer all types of Laboratory Balances