Ultrasonic cleaners are designed to disinfect and remove dirt from various containers. This is a modern, high-quality and effective cleaning process for removing dirt from particularly problematic products and areas.They are suitable for the fields of medicine, optics, metal, machinery, garages, electronics, fine mechanics, plastics, tools and jewelry.It is important to know how to use an ultrasonic cleaner and read the manufacturer's instructions for use.We will write down the general warnings for using ultrasonic cleaner, and what to avoid.
So how to work when using an ultrasonic cleaner
- Do not use flammable cleaners.
-Fill the ultrasonic bath to the top edge up to 10-20mm from the top line
- Do not boil water and pour into the bath.
- Metal must not touch the bottom of the bath,
- Care must be taken to empty the bath and clean the bottom of metal parts.
-The bath should rest between cleaning cycles.
These are basic instructions that should be avoided when using an ultrasonic cleaner. Operating instructions of the device should be read in the manufacturer's instructions.