Many laboratories and many industrial organizations use the laboratory oven during regular work.It is important to know who the oven/furnace are for, what their use is, how many degrees Celsius is in them and more.
Types of Ovens for Labs
First of all, in terms of temperature, a laboratory oven is suitable for use from 25 ° C to 3000 ° C.Up to 700 degrees C is called ovens and over 500 degrees C is called furnaces. In lab furnaces these types:furnaces 1000-3000degc,furnaces special,tube furnaces,vacuum furnaces.
-A tube furnace is used to perform synthesis and purification of organic compounds and sometimes in organic synthesis. Tube furnace thermal processes include organic and organic purification; Accelerated aging; Softening; Coating; drying; And more.
Vacuum furnaces-Heat materials, especially metals, to very high temperatures and perform processes such as soldering, filtration and heat treatment with high consistency and low pollution.
What is your use of the laboratory oven?
It is important when buying a laboratory oven, do research on the different options, understand what you really need, what use you need from the stove. Only after you fully know what you need, leave details for professional advice. The company staff with great knowledge of laboratory ovens will be happy to help you.
How does a laboratory oven work?
A laboratory oven actually works in the form of thermal treatment. This treatment is a combination of heating and cooling applied to solid-state metals and alloys in order to obtain required conditions or properties from the materials in the process. Occasionally, the treatments are carried out in a laboratory oven in a special atmosphere, that is, the use of designated gases aimed at controlling the atmosphere of the process and affecting the desired result in terms of the material properties of the process.
Contact us for more information about the laboratory oven/ Laboratory furnace.